She is an award-winning syndicated humor columnist and author of three books -- Not Tonight, Honey: Wait ‘til I’m a Size 6 (2005); Don’t Sleep With a Bubba Unless Your Eggs are in Wheelchairs (2007); and Dishing with the Kitchen Virgin (2008).
Recently, I asked her what she was reading. Her reply:
Read Reinhardt's interview with Mary Ward Menke at January Magazine.It's really crazy because I read three books at a time. Currently, I'm reading one I'd never choose on my own, but a friend said the writing was sharp and clever. It's called Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper, and it's by Diablo Cody, who wrote Juno, the film, and won and Oscar for it.
I'm also reading a sappy Nicholas Sparks novel, Nights in Rodanthe.
In addition, I read short humorous stories by authors like Laurie Notaro and David Sedaris.
Visit Susan Reinhardt's website.
--Marshal Zeringue