Her latest novel is Night Pilgrims, the 26th Saint-Germain novel.
Earlier this month I asked Yarbro about what she was reading. Her reply:
David Crystal's The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language in trade paperback, looking for shifts in English in the early 17th century; yesterday, Dr. BenVisit Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's website.Green's The Color of Horses, just because I love horses and I miss riding; last week, a copy of the score of J. S. Bach's "Brandenburg Concerti." I like Bach, and it keeps my hand in for my own compositions; last week's bathtub reading was Georgette Heyer's A Convenient Marriage, which is entertainingly written and nothing like what I'm working on right now; I'm rereading Robert Sheckley and Roger Zelazny's A Farce to be Reackoned With, with the great Don Maitz cover, because I liked the trilogy and I liked both men, and it almost nothing to do with what I'm working on now; Pounds' An Historical Geogaphy of Europe
450BC-AD1330, for research for Saint-Gemain #29, which proposal will go to Tor this coming month --- I often consult this text when I start putting together a new Saint-Germain if it falls in the years and region in question; I haven't picked out a bathtub read for this week yet, but something frothy and clever would be nice, since I'm heading into the end game of Sustenance, which is neither frothy nor socially clever.
My Book, The Movie: Saint-Germain Chronicles.
--Marshal Zeringue