Late last month I asked the author about what she was reading. Hillerman's reply:
I usually have a few books going simultaneously. Currently I'm read Suzanne and Jake Page's beautiful and informative Hopi, aVisit Anne Hillerman's website.treasure I discovered far away from Hopi land in a book store on Vashon Island in Washington State. In the name of research, I'm studying Washington Matthew's classic Navajo Legends, originally published in 1897. The "legends" contain a version of the Navajo creation story, a hero tale that makes the adventures in the Iliad and Odyssey seem like child's play. And for the right side of my brain, I am inhaling Luci Tapahonso's remarkable poetry and stories compiled in a radiant curve. This woman can write!
My Book, The Movie: Spider Woman's Daughter.
The Page 69 Test: Spider Woman's Daughter.
--Marshal Zeringue