Boyle's new novel is Six Impossible Things.
Recently I asked the author about what she was reading. Boyle's reply:
I always look forward to Laura Lee Guhrke’s books, and her latest, The Truth and Love and Dukes, is no exception. I knowVisit Elizabeth Boyle's website.before I open one of her romances, that the story is going to be moving and quite possibly tear jerking, but most of all a great read, but what I love most about her books is that there is always a point about 50 pages in where she manages a twist that sends the story in a new direction I was not expecting.
That moment as a reader (and a writer) where I think to myself, “Oh, no, she didn’t.” Well, she did. She always does.
The other book that I quite simply devoured recently was Beatriz Williams’ The Secret Life of Violet Grant. The dialogue just slayed me—smart, inventive, wickedly funny,with a cast of characters who just step out of time and yank you into the story.
I picked this book up because several friends had insisted I read it. You know the sort of recommendation, the one that comes all breathless and shocked that you haven’t already discovered this gem of a story. You must read this. I was sure glad I did.
Finally, I am a huge Game of Thrones fan, so I am always looking for a great epic fantasy sort of read with a huge cast of characters and lots of story. So I was thrilled when I found Blood Song by Anthony Ryan.
I saw it sitting deserted at the library check out desk—it was definitely a case of a cover that caught my eye--and since no one was claiming it, I checked it out immediately andtook it home. Okay, there might have been some guilt involved that the person was in the bathroom or something, but I got over it quickly as it is a story that grabs you.
Best of all, Blood Song is the perfect read while waiting for the next GOT season and/or book. The story had me at the opening where the hero is dumped as a small child at a monastery and kept me enthralled to the very end—which was just a heart wrencher. Best part: there are two more books in the series.
--Marshal Zeringue