He also writes an award-winning blog, The Loom.
I asked him what he was reading. His reply:
Zimmer writes about science for the New York Times; his work also appears in National Geographic, Scientific American, and Discover, where he is a contributing editor. In 2007 he won the National Academies Communication Award, the highest honor for science writing.I've reached the age when I realize that there are a finite number of books I will be able to read in mylifetime. So I'm now making my way through books I've been meaning to read as long as I can remember. I'm trying to read novels, because my regular line of work--writing about science--normally leaves me reading journal papers and reviews late into the night. Right now I'm finishing up The Red and the Black. It's wonderful but quite strange in some ways. Stendhal will spend pages and pages on the hero's mulling how to steal a ladder, but spend a brief paragraph on the climax of a major political plot.
In the non-human world, I'm reading Speciation in Birds by Trevor Price. I'm very interested these days in that age-old question of how new species evolve. Birds helped Darwin to formulate his theory of evolution, and today scientists areprobing their DNA and behavior even deeper to understand the process. Trevor Price's book synthesizes a huge amount of research with wonderful clarity.
Read an excerpt from Miocrocosm, and learn more about it and the author's work at Carl Zimmer's website.
--Marshal Zeringue