Earlier this week I asked her what she was reading. Her reply:
West of Eden by Harry Harrison: It's a re-read, actually. I first picked it up from the library back in the early 90s and kept thinking about it, but had to do some intensive internet research to figure out what book it was. It's this great novel about a world in which lizards became the dominant race. It's got a Clan of the Cave Bear feeling to it, too.Learn more about Megan Hart and her work at her website and blog.
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker -- I picked this as one of my choices when I joined the Doubleday Book Club, and I'm enjoying it. Truly is a giant -- I'm not sure if she's got a condition or is just gigantic, and the book so far is a series of scenes of her life that are entertaining and interesting, even if they don't seem to be moving the plot in the direction suggested by the book blurb.Testimony by Anita Shreve -- another book club choice. Told in multiple first person, much like Jodi Picoult's work. Took me a while to get into it but now that I'm nearly finished, I need to find out what's going to happen.
In My Skin, A Memoir by Kate Holden -- picked it up off the bargain table at Barnes and Noble because I thought it was a different book, one I read about online. So far, I think it's not that book but it's still a great read. The story of her drug use and prostitution, it's beautifully written. I can't find much sympathy for the heroine, but since it's a memoir, I can find compassion.Naughty Bits, various authors, published by Harlequin Spice -- just got a box of author copies and since this is the first collection of Harlequin's Spice Briefs, including one of mine, I thought I'd check out the stories I haven't read yet. Short stories are perfect for reading "in between" other stuff, and this collection is proving to be a lot of fun.
If you are 18 or older, read excerpt 1 and excerpt 2 from Stranger.
--Marshal Zeringue