Williams's newest book is Crashland, the sequel to Twinmaker.
Recently I asked the author about what he was reading. His reply:
Visit Sean Williams' website.I’m strongly influenced by the novels I read, so tailoring my reading for the project I’m working on is really important. Nothing derails my new kids’ book faster than picking up the new Jack Reacher novel, say, or a horror novel. I therefore try to choose books that will make me write in the right mode, and also make me write better. I’m not copying; I’m just seeking to be inspired.
The book I finished writing just this week is a young adult novel, the third in the Twinmaker series and sequel to Crashland. My reading reflects that, although it’s not always obvious how. Exo by Steven Gould is a no-brainer: it’s aboutteleporting, after all, which is the central trope of Twinmaker. I’m also a big fan of the Jumper series, of which this is the latest entry. I enjoyed it a lot. Books that remind me why it would be awesome to go into space are always welcome in this house.
Two others I finished recently are Beautiful Malice by Rebecca James and Clariel by Garth Nix. Garth and I have been friends for a long time, and Rebecca and I met earlier this year. There’s something special about reading a book by a friend, particularly when you know going in that it’s a book that everyone loves. On those moments when I wasn’t sweptup in the stories (brief and rare moment, I should say) I basked pleasantly in the glow of their excellence. There are few things better than watching a friend succeed. And these two encourage me to write better characters.
But of course that new book is done now, so it’s time for a palate cleanser. What could be better than Dana Simpson’s Phoebe and her Unicorn: A Heavenly Nostrils Chronicle? None other than Peter S Beagle reckons it’s the best comic strip since Calvin and Hobbes, and although I’m not sure I agree I did enjoy it very much.
It’s time to move on to something new. Garth and I are working on a new middle-grade series, one that will require me to brush up on my medieval knowledge. I can see a run of Rosemary Sutcliffe and Tamora Pierce in the very near future...
The Page 69 Test: Crashland.
--Marshal Zeringue