Edwards has been training dogs professionally and performing animal-assisted therapy since 1999. She has trained hundreds of therapy dogs and service dogs for veterans and individuals with PTSD. She is the lead trainer and behavior consultant for the Animal Rescue Foundation–Beacon and the Danbury Animal Welfare Society. Edwards also lectures on dog/child safety, runs webinars for Pet Partners, and operates a teaching and consulting business, Three Dogs Training.
Her new book is Please Don't Bite the Baby (and Please Don't Chase the Dogs): Keeping Our Kids and Our Dogs Safe and Happy Together.
Recently I asked Edwards about what she was reading. Her reply:
As the mother of a three-year-old staunchly entrenched in the tyrannical threes, I spend the majority of my reading time reading Indy’s books to him. I have spent manyVisit Lisa J. Edwards's website.hours reading One Little Blueberry, by Tammi Salzano because Indy loves counting. We have spent another chunk of time reading all the books by Mo Willems that we can find in the “Pigeon” series like, Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!, or Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, or The Pigeon Needs a Bath! But, my favorite of all of Indy’s books has to be The Stray Dog by Marc Simont.
While these books may not be adult literary genius (Stray Dog did win a Caldecott Medal for children’s literature), it is my hope thatbecause Indy, at age three, is already reading them back to me, he may well be the genius in this equation.
When I am not reading to a three-year-old, I am reading veterinary behavior journal articles, and when all is quiet in the house, I sit in bed with Pinball snuggled at my feet and write myself to sleep, effectively telling myself my own bed-time stories.
Coffee with a Canine: Lisa Edwards & Boo, Porthos, and Pinball.
--Marshal Zeringue