McPherson's new novel is Scotzilla.
Recently I asked the author about what she was reading. Her reply:
This writer certainly reads. I love writing and I’m a writer in all of my daydreams but if I was one of those writers who couldn’t read while working on a book I’d be something else for work and keep reading.Visit Catriona McPherson's website.![]()
Recently, because I was coming to Washington DC for the season, a friend pressed Jackie, by Dawn Tripp, into my hands. It’s a fictional account of the life of Jackie Kennedy, from when she was Jackie Bouvier up until after she was Jackie Onassis. It’s not at all the kind the of book I would normally read (although I enjoyed Curtis Sittenfield’s American Wife, a novel about Laura Bush) but I devoured it. Walking the streets of Georgetown where Jack and Jackie lived certainly helped, but it’s a lush novel wherever you might read it.
The last book I finished was Delia Pitts’ Trouble In Queenstown, a series opener about a PI in NJ. Vandy Myrick is an African American womanwith a bruised heart, who takes on a murder case mired in small-town politics of the very murkiest kind. I got it signed when Delia and I were at a mystery conference together in Chicago recently. It went straight to the top of the TBR pile, because it’s a novel bursting with originality and wit, and it gets increasingly “up all night” as it goes hurtling to the denouement. I’m so glad it’s a series. I’ll be back.
One that’s in my TBR pile for next month is Benjamin Stevenson’s Everyone This Christmas has a Secret. I was one of the millions who admired his debut (Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone) and I do like aChristmas book or two in the pile I curate for the holidays. I’ll read this in Santa pjs by the fire in a houseful of food. Lovely!
The Page 69 Test: Go to My Grave.
Writers Read: Catriona McPherson (November 2018).
My Book, The Movie: The Turning Tide.
The Page 69 Test: The Turning Tide.
My Book, The Movie: A Gingerbread House.
The Page 69 Test: Hop Scot.
The Page 69 Test: Deep Beneath Us.
Q&A with Catriona McPherson.
The Page 69 Test: The Witching Hour.
Writers Read: Catriona McPherson (September 2024).
--Marshal Zeringue