Not so long ago I asked Cochran about what she was reading. Her reply:
I read extensively, compulsively. At the moment, I'm writing a book about Tokyo during the early years of the 20th century, so I'm reading a lot of reference material about that. In fiction, after reading A Visit From the Goon Squad, I've fallen in love withVisit Molly Cochran's website and blog.Jennifer Egan's dry, tricky novels that examine the differences between appearance and reality. I also really enjoyed Ally Condie's third Matched novel, Reached.
The best new work I've read lately--just finished it, in fact--is an as-yet unpublished manuscript that I was asked to write a blurb for. Written by Jennifer Murgia, author of Angel Star and Lemniscate, this untitled novel is set in 17th century Germany at the height of the witch burnings and the Black Plague. It tells the story of a real, if unseasoned, 16-year-old witch who is forced to run from her home after watching her beloved guardian tortured for being a healer, then putthrough myriad trials and horrors before she can learn the stunning truth about herself and her heritage.
Finally, I'm reading Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell's stunning exploration of being, reincarnation, and eternity. I loved the movie so much that I had to get the book. Every page leaves me breathless.
My Book, The Movie: Legacy.
The Page 69 Test: Poison.
--Marshal Zeringue