Late last month I asked the author about what she was reading. Braffet's reply:
We Have Always Lived In The Castle – Shirley JacksonVisit Kelly Braffet's website.
I read this, as I do so many books these days, on the recommendation of somebody on Twitter. (Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed that I’m as old as I am and haven’tread it before.) It’s amazing: a perfect, tight, grim little gem of a novel, otherworldly and brutal and did I mention perfect? In the University of Kelly, there would be an entire semester devoted to reading and re-reading and analyzing and studying this book. Everything from the first line to the title is perfectly calculated to throw the reader into a world where nothing is certain except the obsessive need to keep reading. And Jackson is utterly unabashed about it: you get what you get, and you make of it what you will.
Easily one of my Top 10 favorite novels, ever. Thanks, Twitter.
--Marshal Zeringue