Searle's debut novel is The Good Liar.
Recently I asked the author about what he was reading. His reply:
The Green Road by Anne EnrightFollow Nicholas Searle on Twitter.
It’s an embarrassment that I haven’t read this sooner as I love Anne Enright’s writing, but I have had so many books stacking up. Cool, crystal-clear prose and while we can sense where we’re heading (I’m between a third and half way through) we’veno idea yet what lies at our destination. It’s written episodically through the main characters’ different points of view and Enright varies her voice accordingly. Very impressive.
Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain
This book says the things introverts already know but could never say themselves. Among other things it describes the myth of charismatic leadership, how extrovert behaviours have only relatively recently become the cultural norm, and how the risk-averse introverts failed to be heard by their less cautious extrovert counterparts before thefinancial crisis. There’s also a fascinating self-analysis section. Not entirely convincing but I’m again (this is a re-read) finding it a good read.
Unfaithful Music and Disappearing Ink by Elvis Costello
I’ve spent some time skimming for interesting snippets and dipping in, and preparing myself to dive into this long read – which will require a concentrated, single-focus effort. I love Costello’s music and he seems a fascinating guy. This autobiography confirms that. He’s erudite and thoughtful, if sometimes rather too hard on himself. The chronology of the book is all over the place but it works. This far from the standard rock autobiography; it’s a soul exposed, sometimes painfully.
The Page 69 Test: The Good Liar.
My Book, The Movie: The Good Liar.
--Marshal Zeringue