Stuhl's new book is Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands.
Recently I asked the author about what he was reading. His reply:
I just finished reading and teaching Chad Montrie's book, A People's History of Environmentalism in the United States. Montrie acknowledges that while most authors point to Rachel Carson and her 1962 book Silent Spring as the start of the environmental movement in America, environmental thought and action in the country have much deeper roots. He explores these roots back to the early 1800s, particularly inVisit Andrew Stuhl's website.industrializing New England and the appreciation for nature made clear by workers in textile mills. He continues to reveal these roots through the early 1900s in the National Parks Movement, in urban sanitation reform, and in New Deal conservation programs. For those experts in the history of environmentalism, Montrie's book doesn't necessarily provide brand new insights; rather, it packages in an easily-accessible format much of the best scholarship on this topic from the last 20 years. I assigned this book in my course "Environmentalism and its Discontents," which tracks the development of environmental thought in the United States with particular attention to the ways race, class, and gender animate human relationships with nature. Montrie's text was a handy guide in this regard.
The Page 99 Test: Unfreezing the Arctic.
--Marshal Zeringue