Johnson's debut novel is Treeborne.
Recently I asked the author about what he was reading. Johnson's reply:
Anna Karenina by Leo TolstoyVisit Caleb Johnson's website.
My soon-to-be wife emigrated from the Soviet Union as a young girl. I decided this would be the year I dived into Russian fiction. I asked her to create a reading list and she started me off the Richard Peaver and Larissa Volokhonsky translation of Anna Karenina. My favorite parts of Anna were the sections with Konstantin Levin, a Russianlandowner who's living out his existential crisis in the countryside. Tolstoy really cut loose at the sentence level in these sections and he writes beautifully of the land and people's relationship to it, which is, if you read my debut novel, Treeborne, an interest of mine.
The Refugees by Viet Thanh Nguyen
Having grown up in Alabama, I'm fascinated with Vietnam, which was more recently decimated by civil war. The War is all we seem to talk about in the South, but when I traveled to Vietnam folks didn't seem to want to talk about their war much. It's a young country that's rapidly changing. The characters in these stories confrontgenerational trauma and what it means to leave home, or whether we ever can really leave it.
Things We Lost in the Fire by Mariana Enriquez
I'm excited to dive into the English-language debut of this Argentine writer. The stories take place in the shadows of Argentina's troubled history and are described as being disturbing and macabre and spooky. A perfect start to summer reading, right?
The Page 69 Test: Treeborne.
--Marshal Zeringue