Her new novel is Everything You Are.
Recently I asked King about what she was reading. Her reply:
I am currently luxuriating in the creepy awesomeness of Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo.Visit Kerry Anne King's website.
I read widely across all genres, but I particularly adore character driven fantasy. I discovered Leigh Bardugo a few months ago and devoured the entire Grishaverse in a matter of weeks. So when I was able to get my hands on an ARC of Ninth House before the release date I was as excited as – well – as a readerwith an early copy of a brand new book from a favorite author can be!
Like most of my favorite books, Ninth House blurs genre lines. Elements of fantasy, mystery, paranormal and thriller are all present and accounted for. The world is one of dark magic set within the real life bounds of Yale and it is entirely and terrifyingly believable. As for Alex, the main character, Joe Hill wrote this in an endorsement and I believe it’s spot on: “With a bruised heart and bleeding knuckles, she risks death and damnation – again and again – for the people she cares about.”
I haven’t finished it yet. It’s one of those books I want to linger in while simultaneously needing to know how it ends.
--Marshal Zeringue