Also an actor and playwright, Landvik has performed on numerous stages. A recent DNA test determined she’s 95 percent Norwegian and 5 percent wild.
Her new novel is Last Circle of Love.
Recently I asked Landvik about what she was reading. Her reply:
I've been having a gay old time reading Shy: The Alarmingly Outspoken Memoirs of Mary Rodgers by Mary Rodgers and Jesse Green.Visit Lorna Landvik's website.
In this witty (so witty), illuminating memoir, the daughter of legendary musical theater composer Richard Rodgers regales uswith tales of her privileged (but angst-filled) childhood when her father worked with Lorenz Hart and Oscar Hammerstein; her years as a young mother (three kids before the age of 26) scrambling to get work as a composer and writer herself, and her various careers as a renowned children's book (Freaky Friday) author, philanthropist and chairman of the Juilliard school.
Ms. Rodgers circle is a wide one and she doesn't just drop names -- she offers rich and vivid stories about Stephen Sondheim, Leonard Bernstein, Hal Prince, etc. (And the etc. is a long list!).
Reading this book is like nursing a Cosmopolitan at Sardi's, shoulder-to-shoulder with Broadway luminaries and listening to a wildly entertaining raconteur.
My Book, The Movie: Chronicles of a Radical Hag (with Recipes).
The Page 69 Test: Chronicles of a Radical Hag (with Recipes).
The Page 69 Test: Last Circle of Love.
--Marshal Zeringue