Last week I asked Simon about what she was reading. Her reply:
Because I have several TBR piles next to my desk and my bed, it's always a bit of a tossup what I'll read at any given time. Most recently, I finished Laura Lippman's The Most Dangerous Thing, which I picked up from Murder By the Beach, a great indie bookseller, because I heard Laura speak at Sleuthfest, a mystery conference in Orlando. She was so inspiring, talking about howVisit Clea Simon's website.we have to be proud of our genre – crime fiction – and how hard our work is, that I couldn't resist. And it was worth it – moody, atmospheric, and downright chilling, with great characters and a resolution that I did not see coming. After that, I was tempted by the new Robert Harris, An Officer and Spy, because I love him, but I think I'm now turning to Meg Wolitzer's The Interestings. It's gotten great reviews and my brother-in-law loaned me his copy, so I shouldn't hang onto it forever. Plus, when I Tweeted that I was torn between the two, Laura Lippman responded, pointing out that, like her TMDT, The Interestings deals with the intense friendship between a group of five teens. I started it last night, and I'm hooked. The fact that the protagonist is a shy redhead from LI who is a teen in the 1970s may have been a factor...
--Marshal Zeringue