Recently I asked Sassa about what she was reading. Her reply:
As a working mom of three busy school children, my reading time is beyond limited. Usually I manage five minutes a night in my bed before passing out cold, book still in hand, light on. Lately, my reading pile has consisted of a ridiculous number of school notices, sports forms, and my kids’ homework. In between this, I manage to slip in an occasional People magazine article, usually while waiting to pick up one of the children or, ahem, whilst hiding behind a locked bathroom door. But the last week of summer, we vacationed down the shore and I got to spend hours at a time with my head in aVisit Michelle Sassa's website.book. My selection? The Knockoff by Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza. It had been voted best beach read by countless magazines, and I got it in right before Labor Day, in the nick of time (whew!) I didn't just read The Knockoff, I devoured it. I like my fiction fast and fun, with strong characters and observations that resonate, and this really delivered. I could totally relate to heroine Imogen Tate trying to keep up in this fast paced world of apps and twattering, and I was rooting for her the whole way. It was a wonderful commentary on the value of working women of every age. Plus, I got a kick out of the 'gentle skewering' of millennials who spend their whole lives with their faces stuck to a screen.
Maybe if I could get my face out of a screen, I could find the time to whittle down the stack books on my nightstand.
For my birthday, my husband got me The Status of All Things, which was written by two co-authors, just like The Knockoff and my own novel, Copygirl. I’m happy to be supporting the sisterhood of chick lit writing teams, and hope to crack that open soon. Then I’ve got Jennifer Weiner’s latest, Who Do You Love, waiting patiently for me—I read every book that she writes. I just need another hurricane to come through, so all the kids’ activities get cancelled. (It is so hard to read while driving).
--Marshal Zeringue