Hogan's new novel is Shrouded Loyalties.
Recently I asked the author about what she was reading. Her reply:
I’ve read so many good books lately, it’s hard to know where to start! I just finished an ARC of Double-Crossing the Bridge by Sarah Sover, a fun fantasy story that puts a twist on the trolls-Visit Reese Hogan's website.under-the-bridge tale by making the bridge a monopolistic corporation and the trolls into the team pulling a heist on it. I especially loved the stakes of being turned into stone if they got caught out in the sunlight.
Before that, I read Nottingham by Nathan Makaryk, a retelling of Robin Hood that tells the story from virtually every character in the tale. I’m particularly fond of books that treat the protagonists as antagonists to one another—as Shrouded Loyalties does—so this book hit all the right buttons in that regard. Plus I’m a sucker for complex retellings.
I’m currently reading The Razor by J. Barton Mitchell, because I’ll be doing a signing with him next month, so I thought I should check out hisbook! My favorite part about it is the setting; it takes place on a tidally-locked planet, where the half that faces the sun is burning up and the half that faces away is frozen. Only a thin strip in the middle balances on the fragile threshold of supporting life—and they call that strip the Razor. It’s told thriller-style, with prison inmates and mysterious scientific experiments and strange monsters and hidden secrets. I think it’ll be a good match for Shrouded Loyalties at our signing!
My Book, The Movie: Shrouded Loyalties.
--Marshal Zeringue