Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sara Lövestam

Sara Lövestam is a Swedish novelist, born in 1980 and living in Stockholm. She writes in many genres — historical novels, Y/A, crime — but her books all deal with deeply human struggles, such as challenging perspectives, dealing with alienation, and being true to oneself. Lövestam worked for many years as a Swedish teacher for immigrants, and says a lot of her inspiration comes from her students. She enjoys music, carpentry, and learning new languages.

Her new novel is The Truth Behind the Lie.

Recently I asked Lövestam about what she was reading. Her reply:
Right now, I am actually reading Stephen King's On Writing, first published in 2000. I feel like most writers have read it - it is often referred to in conversations among writers, and I figured it was time for me to read it. I have just finished reading the parts about his upbringing and about the "writer's toolbox" and I am now on the "on writing" part. This book probably would have given me more aha moments 20 years ago - I have written 22 books (2 of them published in English) and pretty much have my procedure worked out - but I always get inspired by reading about other writers' writing. As a writer, you are never finished. Other writers can always teach you something or give you new impulses. Additionally, I think I enjoy reading about other writers' writing because it makes me feel less alone. Worldwide, we are millions of people who sit for hours, isolated in our offices or at cafés or on trains, struggling to find the right wording or the perfect ending to a story.
Visit Sara Lövestam's website.

--Marshal Zeringue