Zeitlin's new novel is Sophomore Year Is Greek to Me.
Last month I asked the author about what she was reading. Her reply:
I'm usually reading a few books at a time. I just finished Rachel Joyce's The Lovesong of Miss Queenie Hennesey, which is an absolutely gorgeous novel and the sequel to The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, which is also terrific.Visit Meredith Zeitlin's website.Joyce's prose is so beautifully crafted, her characters so complex with such distinct voices, and - despite the rather gloomy plot (it's about a woman writing a letter to her lost love on her deathbed) - there are moments that are incredibly funny. The end gutted me; I am still thinking about it! I can't recommend this book highly enough.
I'm about halfway through Vanessa and Her Sister by Priya Parmar, which is a fictional diary written by Vanessa Stephen Bell, Virginia Woolf's sister. It's prettily written and quite interesting, especially because I have to keep pausing tolook things up (to see how historically accurate the author is being)!
I'm also almost finished with Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, which is twisty and exciting and dark and terrific. These are all pretty serious choices, I realize. I'll have to grab something light and funny next!
The Page 69 Test: Sophomore Year Is Greek to Me.
My Book, The Movie: Sophomore Year is Greek to Me.
--Marshal Zeringue